Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gay Marriage

This is just another classic example of people acting completely primitive. It’s the same fight being fought over and over again, “Marriage traditions need to be upheld,” or “The very sanctity of marriage is at risk!” These are the same fighting words we’ve seen for centuries. It started as a reason for why interracial marriages shouldn’t be allowed, but now it has made its way back into the mind of folks again for one of the few reasons gay marriage shouldn’t be legalized. Marriage is the process by which two people who love each other make their relationship public, official, and permanent; why should two men or women who love each other be deprived of the same experience that a man and woman can have? There is not a single reason that I’ve heard that makes sense as to why two people who love each other can’t be married. So what if it’s “not traditional,” if they pay taxes to the states/country, they should be able to have the same benefits, regardless of their sexual orientation. Finally, many states have started to legalize the marriage between two men or women, or even just recognize a civil union with the same benefits.  There are also many new communities and groups forming, like LGBTQ, which stands for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, and now also questioning.  They deserve to love whomever they want, man or woman.

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