Friday, March 22, 2013

Those Breeds

Should certain breeds of dogs, like pitbulls, be banned?

Yes, pitbulls, as well as many other dogs, have a reputation for not being the nicest of dogs, but I believe that it is a combination of the treatment they receive from their owners as well as the reputation they have that makes most dogs mean or unfavorable. I believe that with a good home and a little love, a dog, no matter its breed, will grow up to be a respectable pet. Instead of banning breeds, I think we should have a closer evaluation of the people inquiring about ownership. I think people that want to own a dog should have to go through a process where they are required to prove themselves capable of ownership. There are many people that think they are ready for a dog, but in reality aren’t. Sometimes, people are not aware of the commitment that comes with a dog, and others may have the wrong intentions for their pets, such as “dog fights.” “Dog fights” are when many people bring their dogs together to fight, sometimes to the death, untill there is a winner. It is stupid actions like these, as well as a lack of understanding (whether its with the dog or about the dog) that bring me to believe that it is almost never the fault of the dog, but always the fault of the owner.     

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