Friday, March 15, 2013

TV Trance

No, like cell phones, they won't cause cancer, but there are many good reasons to avoid them.

The Idiot Box, the Telly, the Boob Tube; it doesn't matter what you call it, it is one of the many reasons I think citizens of the United States are becoming fat and lazy. Hundreds, sometimes even thousands of captivating shows for your entertainment at your fingertips can keep the most proactive people from finishing what they started. I, myself, get caught by the bait of the "coach potato trap." Watching TV takes little to no thought; the moving pictures are placed before you, already with a plot and storyline. I think that it effects the younger generations the most. Instead of enjoying and exploring the outdoors, reading a book, or doing their homework they spend time watching their favorite TV characters. I remember when our imagination was the best play toy we could have; we could be super heroes, doctors, grown-ups, or wild animals. It still is the best toy; it just doesn’t get used as much with all of the new and easy to understand technology, like the television. Kids need to snap out of the TV trance and get outside and play. We all need to snap out of the TV trance.     

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