Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Capital Punishment

Should criminals ever be sentenced to death?

I believe that there are many crimes committed where either endless torturing or a death sentence would be the best consequence. Many would say that violence is not the answer, and to this I would agree; if the criminals hadn’t committed violent acts toward society, we wouldn’t need to have repercussions as extreme as death. Some are worried that without concrete evidence, usually meaning DNA evidence, no one can be sure that the person convicted is truly at fault. In 2001, there were 86 wrong convictions; this is a lot, until you realize that that number is out of the 3,581 criminals that have been sentenced to death. What this means is that 97.6% of the time, the criminal is at fault. I agree that it would be upsetting if an innocent person was sentenced, but the truth is, is that it is highly unlikely that they are not to blame. The death penalty should be used, not only because people will take more time to consider the consequences, but also because taxes are what keeps criminals in prison. When criminals convicted of major crimes are sentenced to death instead of life in prison, that is one less convict society has to pay to have kept alive when they deserve death.
For what kind of crimes should someone be sentenced to death?
                The power to takes someone’s life should not be taken lightly, even when the person is a criminal. Criminals convicted of the following should be sentenced to death:
·         Violent Crimes (arson, burglary, child Abuse, domestic violence, hate Crimes, kidnapping, manslaughter, murder, terrorist threats, etc.)
·         Sex Crimes (molestation, child pornography, indecent exposure, prostitution, rape, sexual battery, etc.)
·         Fraud Crimes (credit card fraud, forgery, identity theft, insurance fraud, internet fraud, securities & investment fraud, tax evasion, tax fraud, telemarketing, etc.)

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