Tuesday, February 5, 2013

M&M's vs Skittles

M&M's or Skittles? It is a question that I believe is asked purely on the fact that they are similarly colored and shaped. In reality, asking which people prefer is like asking for them to choose between having their arm cut off horizontally or vertically, both ways result in the loss of a part of an arm, but both are very different ways. Although it’s difficult to choose, the chocolaty goodness of the colorful Ms can’t be beat, especially not by the sometimes-fruity-medicine flavor of Skittles. My reasoning doesn’t stop there. M&M's have been uniquely designed so that they don’t melt in your hand; yes, Skittles don’t melt either, but they’re also not chocolate so there is no reason for them to melt. Skittles has the rainbow, but M&M's has a cast of colorful characters that all of America knows and loves; my favorite time to see them is around Christmas time and during the Super Bowl. Some will say that Skittles is a bag  full of different flavors while M&M's is a bag full of chocolate. They forget, however, that M&M's come in all different kinds of flavors: regular, peanut, peanut butter, mint, raspberry, pretzel, etc. Besides, the flavors of Skittles are so similar, I can’t tell the difference between half of them.  I think it is obvious that M&M's can beat Skittles any day, but then again, I guess it really matters only on what you’re in the mood for, candy covered chocolate Ms, or chewy and fruity Ss.    

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