Monday, February 4, 2013

Corporal Punishment

Corporal Punishment, or spanking, is a topic of interest that dates back to the 10th century B.C. It has been used for many reasons, but the main thing people associate spanking to is the open-handed slap to the buttocks used on misbehaving children and teenagers. Many see spanking as a form of torture that may lead them to feel or behave violently towards others; I, however, see it as a controlled form of discipline. Yes, there is a line that can be crossed between what is spanking and what is abuse, but I think that the line is  rarely accidently crossed; I don’t think that caring and loving parents who occasionally give their child a good beating, when the child has misbehaved, will cause any violent notions in the child or bad memories. I think, instead, that the child will come to a much quicker conclusion of what is acceptable in society; they will quickly know what is “good” and what is “bad” behavior. Spanking can bring about a child’s respect for an adult, or parent. Spanking shows the child who is the boss; after the first time, just the threat of spanking can cause a child to stop misbehaving. Corporal punishment is nothing but a form of punishment that should be used to correct a child’s behavior.

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