Monday, February 11, 2013


Should it be legal?
At first, I thought, “Why the Hell not?” America is a free country; they should be allowed to make a job out of it if they like. If someone wants to give sexual favors for a profit, who am I to say no? With the harsh decline in economy, legalizing prostitution would open up a whole new career possibility; perhaps the condom industry would rise. Some may think that “selling sex” is unprofessional, but I think we know from Pretty Woman that prostitution can, in fact, be classy if you sell to the top quality customer. Well, I started to think deeper and deeper into the subject, and I realized that legalization of prostitution could take a turn for the worse. Prostitution is not anything close to classy; if you really consider how it is portrayed in the movie Pretty Woman, you will find that not only does the main character want to get an education and a decent job, but she is also almost taken advantage of, raped, when another character realizes that she is a prostitute. The reality of a prostitute being able to find a wealthy, pleasant man that pays to have their company for a week is not in existence, in my mind. Prostitution doesn’t lead to happy endings like the one we know and love in Pretty Woman. What it can lead to are STDs, rapes, and sex trafficking. Obviously, with sex, there is a chance of getting a sexually transmitted disease. When someone is paying someone they don’t know to have sex, then there is no knowledge of one another’s pasts or diseases, highlighting one of the many dangers of prostitution. There is also the chance of rape; when a person is willing to sell themselves, others may see that the said person doesn’t have respect for themselves and they don’t think that they need to have respect for them then either. In the case of prostitution, I would consider it more to be thievery; the rapist is essentially stealing the service. The legalization of prostitution could also make it more difficult for officials to crack down on sex trafficking. Prostitution not only brings behind it the increased possibility of contracting a STD, but also unwanted pregnancies.
After considering the many disadvantages to the legalization of prostitution, I realized that any positive outcomes would be trivial to the negative ones. Prostitution should stay the way it is, illegal.        
If you have never heard of or seen the movie Pretty Woman, here is the original trailer for the movie...

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